
About Us

Samvardhan offers a premium range of Ayurvedic and Nutraceutical supplements to address the growing number of dietary needs stemming from lifestyle disorders. Mr. Nayan Shah conceptualized Samvardhan with the goal of helping people and transforming them physically and financially, since health and wealth are both equally crucial for a better lifestyle. He observed that today's generation faces many lifestyle challenges which are physical, psychological and also monetary in nature. The desire to address these issues gave to the birth of Samvardhan, a platform to empower all associates, employees, distributors and even customers to achieve their personal aspirations. It was meant to transform lives through the unique Direct Selling Program designed to particularly do away with all the possibilities of malpractices & immoral business techniques.

Furthermore, Samvardhan strives to become a compelling place to work at, by providing exceptional opportunities and rewards for achievement to professionals (associates/direct sellers). Its core values include integrity, responsibility, excellence, effective systems, unity, passion, and personal development. Samvardhan looks forward to connecting with more like-minded people and hopes that you can be a part of this journey as well.

Mentoring & Support

At Samvardhan, we understand and appreciate the many challenges the direct sellers and the system users face during marketing, handling and delivery of products to their end users. Some of these challenges being recall value of marketing collaterals like flyers, presentations as well as knowledge upgradation.

Through our education oriented upskilling plans, we support them with scientifically researched products. We also organize seminars and training sessions of various levels on a regular basis. These users are also provided with technologically advanced user system.

Our Vision

We believe in collective and simultaneous growth of everyone involved in our journey. The organization grows when its people grow. And that's why it is our utmost effort to make every direct sellers who joins us, a thorough professional. We are more than eager to welcome all the passionate aspiring direct sellers to join us in our quest for them to be a part of the Founder Circle Club.

Our Mission

We are on a Himalayan mission of changing the world! Even though it may sound a bit overwhelming, we mean every bit of it. We are on a mission of transforming lives in both most important spheres of life – Health & Wealth. Our Ayurved & nutrition products take care of people’s health while an unparalleled business opportunity aims at generating opulent wealth for them!

We strive to help individuals attain the highest possible level of health and well-being through preventive & promotive health care and universal access to good quality indigenous pure food supplements stimulated with herbs.

We aim at changing / improving their food consumption habits by bringing the best of Ayurved & nutrition products into their lives to let them live healthy & happy as they perform better, think faster and live to the fullest.

We aim at integrating the philosophy & practice of Ayurved in the healthcare segment over to build and maintain leadership by providing the best opportunities in direct selling domain. We focus on inspiring and empowering people towards the realization of their dreams and achievement of their goals.

About us