
Kidney Stone

Ashmavilop Powder & Tablets

  • Pashanbhed or stone breaker is a popular Indian Ayurvedic herb that helps significantly in dissolving kidney stones
  • Inhibits the growth of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate crystals that is responsible for the formation of kidney or urinary bladder stones
  • Very effective in managing painful urination
  • The bark of Varun tree is known to work as perfect diuretic that helps in passing of urinary stones through urine
  • Helps balance Vaat and Kapha Doshaas
  • Acts as strong antitoxic, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-gout, carminative, immunomodulatory, antioxidant and heamatogenic
  • Cleanses the kidneys and urinary bladder, reduces pain and promotes easy urine flow
  • Clears renal and urethral blockages; breaks down kidney and urinary bladder stones into little pieces, relieving discomfort

Dosage for Powder : 1 Sachet before each breakfast & after dinner with one cup lukewarm water

Dosage for Tablets : 1 tablet before each breakfast & after dinner with one cup lukewarm water

Powder & Tablets : Apamarg, Gokhru, Gulvel, Varunsal, Jeshthamadh

Kidney Stone