
Joint Care

Shoolshanti Joint Care Powder, Tablets and Advanced Joint Care Tablets:

  • Its analgesic & anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation, swelling, stiffness and relieves pain
  • Vaat Anulom (Vaat Balance) property helps reduce body ache; helps against arthritis, muscle pain, joint pain, swelling, muscle spasms, obstinate sciatica, low exercise performance, rheumatoid arthritis etc.
  • Helps in against constipation, loss of appetite, gastritis, painful menstruation, menopause, stress & anxiety, migraine, headaches, insomnia etc. and improves sleep quality.
  • Strong anti-inflammatory properties are highly effective against pain in neck, back, lower back, ankles & knees; frozen shoulder; numbness / tingling sensation in limbs; fights free radicals in the body
  • Effective against, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, cervical spondylitis and sciatica
  • Boosts up the nervous system and offers quick relief from acute nerve pain
  • Makes the bones stronger by improving calcium levels; fortifies joints; Reduces symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Helps management of exercise-induced inflammation & muscle soreness

Dosage for Powder : 1 Sachet each in the morning & evening after meals with one cup lukewarm water

Dosage for Tablets : 1 Tablet each in the morning & evening after meals with one cup lukewarm water

Dosage for Advanced Tablets : 1 tablet after lunch with one cup lukewarm water

Powder : Ashwagandha, Gokshura, Hadjod, Nirgudi, Saptaparni, Awala, Hirada, Ova, Erandmulo, Rasana, Methi, Shalakhi, Guggul

Tablets : Ashwagandha Ext, Gokshura Ext, Hadjod Ext, Nirgudi Ext, Godanti Bhasma, Shankh Bhasma, Mukta Sukti Bhasma, Kapardika Bhasma

Advanced Tablets : Ashwagandha Ext, Gokshura Ext, Hadjod Ext, Nirgudi Ext, Godanti Bhasma, Shankh Bhasma, Mukta Sukti Bhasma, Kapardika Bhasma

Joint Care