
Business Plan

Direct Selling has been a constantly flourishing industry due to the financial freedom and enormous growth rate it offers. These organizations use either Sales/Pair Matching or Generation Plan to take the network further.

Instead of a traditional distribution channel Direct Selling companies sell their products directly to the customers. These satisfied customers soon turn into distributors or associates, can earn a commission depending on the sales they generate in a pretty systematic way. And when their customers also become distributors or associates, they can earn additional team commissions on that, as well.

But both Sales/Pair Matching and Generation/Unilevel Compensation plans have their advantages and shortcomings. As a solution to avoid lacunas in both these kind of plans, what we have come up is a unique plan that combines only the advantages of both these plans! Yes, best of both worlds!

Advantages of Sales / Pair Matching Plan

  •  Work of up-line benefits downline as well
  •  Unlimited compensation you can get
  •  All team members work together and grow together
  •  The up-line offers greater support to build network for faster expansion

Advantages of Generation / Unilevel Plan

  •  Easy to understand, Easy to implement
  •  Opportunity to get pretty high compensations with a good leader in place
  •  Faster bonuses and higher residual income

Business Plan