
Privacy Policy

This Samvardhan Lifecare Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to all information collected by Samvardhan Lifecare through its online properties and mobile applications (the “Sites”) where this Privacy Policy is posted. It also applies to information that Samvardhan Lifecare collects through offline methods. Unless otherwise indicated, this Policy does not apply to an Samvardhan Lifecare Independent Associate’s (“Distributor” or “Samvardhan Lifecare Distributor”) collection or use of information obtained by the Distributor directly from you or from sources other than Samvardhan Lifecare, unless it then is shared with and retained by Samvardhan Lifecare.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of the kinds of information we may collect, how such information may be used, with whom such information may be shared, your choices regarding the collection, use and sharing of such information, your ability to access and correct such information and the security procedures we use to protect this information.

What information does Samvardhan Lifecare collect?

Samvardhan Lifecare limits the collection of personal information to what is relevant to the purposes of collection whether directly or through third parties acting our behalf, and we always collect personal information using lawful and fair means, consistent with the jurisdiction governing the collection of personal information.

Samvardhan Lifecare limits the collection of personal information to what is relevant to the purposes of collection whether directly or through third parties acting our behalf, and we always collect personal information using lawful and fair means, consistent with the jurisdiction governing the collection of personal information.

Information You Provide Us Directly

At different occasions, you may provide information directly to Samvardhan Lifecare, such as your first and last name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, credit card information, banking information, and biographical information (including, but not limited to, date of birth, and marital status). For example, you may provide us with information when using the Sites or when becoming an Samvardhan Lifecare Distributor or an Samvardhan Lifecare customer. If you do not provide us with the requested information, in some cases, we will not be able to provide you the service you have requested.

If you disclose to us any information of another individual, you are required to have secured the appropriate consent of that individual for disclosing such information to us.

Information About Your Device and Your Use of the Sites

We may gather certain information automatically, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamps, your Site activity (including the Site content you view, mouse movements, mouse clicks, taps, swipes, and information you view), and/or clickstream data for purposes such as analyzing trends, administering the Sites, improving the function and content of the Sites, and enforcing our Terms. We use standard Internet technologies, such as cookies, web beacons, session replay/screen capture, and similar technologies to collect this information, as explained below in the section on cookies.

We may also collect precise information about your location, such as your mobile device’s GPS coordinates, cell tower information and/or Wi-Fi signals. Samvardhan Lifecare may use this information to personalize your experience in connection with your use of the Sites, or other Samvardhan Lifecare products and services. If you do not want Samvardhan Lifecare to collect and use your specific geolocation information, you can disable the location features on your device. Check your device manufacturer settings for how to do so.

Information from Third Party Sources

We may receive additional information about you from public and commercially-available sources and other third parties. Associates may also share information about you with Samvardhan Lifecare. If you access third-party services, such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter through the Sites, to login to the Sites or to share information about your experience on the Sites with others, we may collect information from these third-party services. We may combine all of the information we collect and receive about you, both online and offline, and use or disclose it in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

We may also receive the following types of personal information about you from our Associates, depending on what you choose to provide to them: name, contact information, payment information, and wellness information (including but not limited to height, weight, BMI).

How does Samvardhan Lifecare use my Information?

We use the information we collect about you for a variety of purposes, including: providing you with the products, services and support you request; processing your transactions and shipping your orders; communicating with you about your account or transactions, changes to our policies and other administrative matters, or your questions and comments; to better understand your interests in order to provide you with promotional information, relevant content, surveys, questionnaires, and other materials; improving our products, services and operations; and ensuring compliance with our company policies and rules and the law, or as we believe is necessary to protect, enforce or defend the legal rights, privacy, safety or property of ourselves and others. We also use this information to validate sales made by Samvardhan Lifecare Associates, to help Samvardhan Lifecare Associates search for, communicate with and validate customers in our systems, and for Samvardhan Lifecare’s compliance purposes. Samvardhan Lifecare or its authorized third parties may contact you directly for these purposes using various contact methods described below.

Samvardhan Lifecare may also use this information to support the operation of the Preferred Memberships and Associateships, and to maintain proper functioning of the Samvardhan Lifecare Sales & Marketing Plan. For example, information about Customer’s may be used to support, calculate and track your product discount and to provide you with information on special promotions. Information about Samvardhan Lifecare Associates may be used to support, calculate and track discounts, earnings and bonuses, to issue payments to and report income to taxing authorities, to provide training, and to ensure compliance with applicable law and company policies, plans and agreements, including the Associateship Application and Agreement.

We may retain your information for as long as needed to: provide you services; fulfil other legitimate business needs, such as maintaining the proper function of the Sales & Marketing Plan; fulfill our compliance and legal obligations; and resolve disputes and enforce our agreements, including the Associateship Agreements.

With Whom does Samvardhan Lifecare Share my Information?

Vendors & Service Providers

We may share any of the personal information described above in Section 1 with vendors and service providers that perform functions on our behalf. Examples of such functions include fulfilling orders, delivering packages, email administrative functions, processing credit card payments, providing customer service, and for market research. Vendors and service providers must handle your personal information in accordance with Samvardhan Lifecare’s instructions and are prohibited from using or disclosing your personal information for any other purpose.

Samvardhan Lifecare Independent Associates

If you are an Samvardhan Lifecare Distributor, Preferred Member, or Customer, we may share your information with other Samvardhan Lifecare Associates, including without limitation as part of a Lineage Report which contains information (such as name, contact information, level or rank, and volume and sales statistics) on other Associates and Customer’s in an Samvardhan Lifecare Associate’s downline. (The downline organization consists of all Associates and Customer’s that were personally sponsored by a particular Distributor, and in turn, all other persons sponsored by the subsequent Associates.) Lineage Reports are provided to Associates in strict confidence and for the sole purpose of supporting the Associates in further developing their Samvardhan Lifecare businesses, including for use in marketing tools and platforms.

We may share your information with Associates to offer and provide you with products and services, and these Associates may further share your information as described in their privacy policies. Samvardhan Lifecare Associates who receive your information are bound by the terms of their Associateship Agreement and the privacy and data protection covenants contained therein.

Legal & Compliance Disclosures

We may also disclose your information: as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, legal proceedings, or similar legal process, including disclosure to authorized third party auditors; or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate or prevent fraud, or respond to a government request.

Business Transitions

We may share your information if Samvardhan Lifecare is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of or transfer of assets, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

Other Parties with Your Consent

In addition to the sharing described in this Privacy Policy, we may also share information about you with third parties for any other purpose disclosed to you at the time we collect the information or pursuant to your consent or direction.

How will Samvardhan Lifecare Communicate with me?

Samvardhan Lifecare may communicate with you via email, postal mail, telephone, text message, or other means on a regular basis to provide requested products and services and/or in regards to issues relating to your Samvardhan Lifecare business (if you are a Associate). In order to validate customer sales, Samvardhan Lifecare may communicate with you via email, postal mail, telephone, text message, or other means on a regular basis (if you are a Customer).

Additionally, you may receive periodic information on Samvardhan Lifecare’s business, products, services, special deals, through various communication means as described above. Samvardhan Lifecare Associates and Customer’s may manage certain communications within their My Samvardhan Lifecare subscription center.

Is my Personal Information Secure?

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect about you remains accurate, timely and secure. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure and while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee or warrant its complete security.

Cookies and Tracking.

Samvardhan Lifecare, as well as certain third parties that provide content and other functionality on our Sites, uses cookies, web beacons, session replay/screen capture, and other similar technologies for various purposes, including to analyze trends, administer the website, track users’ movements around the Sites and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on computer hard drives. A cookie enables the entity that put the cookie on your device to recognize it across different websites, services, devices, and browsing sessions. For example, we may use cookies to recognize you when you return to the Sites in order to provide you with a better user experience. We may allow third parties to use cookies on the Sites but we do not control the use or contents of third party cookies. Web browsers often allow you to configure the browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is sent. If you elect to reject cookies, please note that you may not be able to take full advantage of the features and functions of the Sites. To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, please visit。

Web beacons and similar technologies are small bits of code, which are embedded in web pages, advertisements, and e-mails, that communicate with third parties. We use web beacons, for example, to count the number of users who have visited a particular web page, to deliver or communicate with cookies, and to understand usage patterns. We also may include web beacons in e-mails to understand whether messages have been opened, acted on, or forwarded.

There are other local storage and internet technologies, such as Local Shared Objects (also referred to as “Flash cookies”), HTML5 local storage and embed scripts, which can operate similarly to the cookies discussed above. Please note that these technologies are distinct from cookies, and you may not be able to control them using standard browser tools and settings. For information about managing Flash cookies, please click。To learn more about Adobe analytics and to opt out, click。

We may use Bluetooth beacon technology to improve the Club experience. Mobile devices that have enabled Bluetooth can receive a signal when in range of a beacon. The signals will not be received unless the user has turned on Bluetooth, installed an Samvardhan Lifecare mobile application and enabled push notifications. The beacon functionality may allow for notifications, customer check-ins, and payments. You can disable the beacon functionality in the app’s settings.

Do Not Track

Web browsers may allow you to send “Do Not Track” requests. We do not currently take actions to respond to Do Not Track signals because there is no current industry standard concerning what, if anything, websites should do when they receive such signals. We continue to review new technologies and may adopt a standard if and when one is created.

Online Advertising

We may display advertising on our website and partner with third parties to manage advertising on other websites for our products and services. We may also partner with third parties, including business partners, advertising networks, and other advertising service providers, who gather information about you on our Sites and other sites to provide you with advertisements on the Sites and elsewhere online based on your browsing history and tailored to your interests, preferences, and characteristics. Cookies or other similar technologies may be used to provide you with advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties, and the information practices of these third parties are not covered by this Policy.

Some third parties collect information about users of our Sites to provide interest-based advertising on our Sites and elsewhere, including across browsers and devices. These third parties may use the information they collect on our Sites to make predictions about your interests in order to provide you ads (from us and other companies) across the Internet. Some of these third parties may participate in industry-developed programs designed to provide consumers with choices about whether to receive targeted advertising. Due to differences between using apps and websites on mobile devices, you may need to take additional steps to disable targeted ad technologies in mobile apps. Many mobile devices allow you to opt out of targeted advertising for mobile apps using the settings within the mobile app or your mobile device. For more information, please check your mobile settings. You also may uninstall our apps using the standard uninstall process available on your mobile device or app marketplace.

Third-Party Links.

The Sites may contain links to websites operated and maintained by third parties over which we have no control. Any information you provide to third party websites will be governed under the terms of each websites' privacy policy and we encourage you to investigate such policies before disclosing any information to the operators of third party websites. We have no responsibility or liability for the content, actions or policies of third party websites. The inclusion of links to third party websites on our Sites in no way constitutes an endorsement of such websites' content, actions or policies.

Third-Party Functionality.

Some of the functionality on the Sites may be provided by third parties that are not affiliated with Samvardhan Lifecare. These entities may collect or receive certain information about your use of the Sites, including through the use of cookies, Web beacons, and similar technologies. Samvardhan Lifecare is not responsible for the privacy practices of these entities.

If you access third-party services, such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter, through the Sites, to login to the Sites or to share information about your experience on the Sites with others, these third-party services may be able to collect information about you, including information about your activity on the Site, and they may notify your connections on the third-party services about your use of the Site, in accordance with their own privacy policies

Modifications to this Policy.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date listed at the beginning of this Policy. Samvardhan Lifecare reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we propose to make any material changes, we will notify you by means of a notice on this page prior to the change becoming effective. Your subsequent use of the Sites will be deemed acceptance of such changes. Be sure to review this Privacy Policy periodically to ensure familiarity with its most current version. By using the Sites following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy, you agree to all such changes

Making a Privacy Complaint Your privacy is important to us. If you have a complaint, you may contact our Grievance Officer at the details provided below, who is responsible for redressing your grievances:

Name: Nayan Shah E-mail: (Attn: Privacy Dept.)

Your complaint will then be investigated. We may ask you to provide further information about your complaint and the outcome you are seeking. We will then typically gather relevant facts, locate and review relevant documents and speak with individuals involved. Our Grievance Officer will redress your grievances expeditiously, within 30 days from the date of receipt of grievance.

Privacy Policy